Ensuring Sustainable Forestry

Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) Project advances REDD+ readiness in Guyana

GEORGETOWN, Guyana, October 4, 2017: Guyana is advancing its readiness under the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) Project to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+).

REDD+ aims to preserve and sustainably manage forests and enhance forest carbon stocks thereby adding value to standing forests; and enabling developing countries like Guyana to access future REDD+ funding, through performance-based payments.

FCPF, a global REDD+ alliance, aligns Guyana to be recommended for benefits from the US$650 million World Bank Carbon Fund and similar funding mechanisms.

Guyana first approached FCPF in 2008 with a Readiness Plan Idea Note (R-Pin). The World Bank’s Technical Advisory Panel subsequently received and approved the Readiness Preparation Proposal (R-PP) in June 2009.

In 2012, Guyana selected the Inter-Development Bank (IDB) as a support partner for REDD+ readiness outlined in the R-PP, and on February 7, 2014, the Government of Guyana (GOG) and IDB inked a US$3.8 million agreement for the FCPF Project.

FCPF Project Execution Unit (PEU), set up under the Ministry of Natural Resources in September 2016, is headed by Project Coordinator Mr. Clayton Hall and works in collaboration with the Project Steering Committee (PSC) and National REDD+ Working Group (NRWG). REDD+ readiness is being executed under three components: Country Organisation and Consultations for REDD+ Readiness; REDD+ Strategy and Implementation Framework and; and Monitoring and Evaluation of Readiness Activities.

The PEU and partners are engaged in a procurement process for consultants to undertake Consultation and Stakeholder Engagements on REDD+ and Readiness Activities; Development of a Grievance and Redress Mechanism (GRM) for REDD+ Implementation; Development of a REDD+ Strategy and Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA); and a National Survey of Perception of REDD+.

These activities will form the basis for institutional and governance framework for REDD+ procedures, strategies and subsequent implementation.

The PEU continues to actively engage all stakeholders, and remains committed to communicate and consult with partners particularly Indigenous and forest-dependent communities as direct beneficiaries of REDD+, and future funding mechanisms.

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