Ensuring Sustainable Forestry

Code of Practice for Wood Processing Facilities for Guyana (Sawmills and Lumberyards) ITTO

Introduction of the Code of Practice for Wood Processing Facilities for Guyana (Sawmills and Lumberyards). January 2012

The Code of Practice for Wood Processing for Guyana, is an output of a project between the Government of Guyana and the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO). The process involved: reviewing of policy and legislative documents, gathering baseline data, development of a draft document, consultation with stakeholders to gather comments and feedback information, local and international review, incorporating comments and finalizing draft document.

During the development process, analysis were conducted firstly on the data provided by sawmills to the GFC to arrive at the present status of the sector. This was followed by research and analysis of data acquired from conducting recovery studies utilizing different technologies and practices, to identify the “best practices” that will realize the maximum value from processing logs. The identified practices were then discussed with local stakeholders and visits were made to observe and compare the practices being implemented in the USA and Suriname…Click here for more information

Code of Practice for Wood Processing Facilities (Sawmills & Lumberyards). January 2012

Version 2

1.1 Wood Processing.
Sawmilling, which is usually considered as a simple manufacturing process, (i.e. cutting down a tree, sawing, and generating lumber), is in fact a highly technical and sophisticated industry that must be constantly monitored so that businesses can respond to change effectively.

The major factors that influences sawmilling operations include securing log supplies; properly designed and engineered production facilities; environmental, regulatory and power supply issues; constant training for professionals in management, operations, maintenance, sales, marketing, logistics; and analysis of raw material resources and product lines, to maintain long term profitability…Click here for more information

Reference Guide for the Implementation of the Code of Practice for Wood Processing Facilities, (Sawmilling and Lumberyard Operations)

This reference guide is extracted from the Code of Practice for Wood Processing Facilities (Sawmill and Lumberyards) and is expected to provide guidance to the respective stakeholders of the sector to better manage their respective operations.

Section A outlines requirements that have to be addressed because they are mandated by the Laws of Guyana or need to be done in order to conform to Government’s policies for sustainable utilization of natural resources. These requirements are referred to as the “must” statements within the Code of Practice.

Compliance of management and facilities operations to these requirements will inform the process of a renewal of operating licenses and non-adherence will result in appropriate action being taken against defaulters…Click here for more information