Ensuring Sustainable Forestry


Some of the key departments in GFC are as follows:

Commissioner of Forests Responsible for the overall management of the Guyana Forestry Commission.

Internal Audit The GFC Internal Audit Unit performs Systems/Operational and Financial Audits in the form of Independent investigative activities designed to assist the GFC accomplish its objectives through a systematic approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of control, risk management and the governance process.

Finance Division – Responsible for managing the financial resources of the commission, provide service to other departments as well as act as a liaison forum for stakeholders.

Management Information Systems – Is responsible for Improved Data Communication between both Internal and External Stakeholders and ensure that technological advancements are captured. Maintaining reliability, security and availability of information that are accessed throughout GFC. Increase data accuracy, productivity and processing speed/capabilities. Develop end-user reporting capabilities and train staff in new technological advancements/developments.

Planning & Development Division – Is responsible for the implementation of the National Forest Plan, conducting economic studies and other relevant studies on the forest sector, reporting on forest sector information and coordinating GFC’s social development programme. It also formulates project proposals and seeks funding for projects developed. Project activities that are approved and financed are implemented by this Division under the oversight of the office of the Commissioner.

Forest Monitoring Division – Is responsible for the enforcement of the forest laws and regulations, monitoring and control of environmental and social impact of operations within the state forest and collection of revenue. Is also responsible for processing export documents (with forest produce), quality control and promote forest products, review and assist in enquires in relation to lumber and logs.

Forest Resource Management Division – Responsible for data collection on national forest resource, conducting surveys and inventories, researching and making recommendations on forest dynamics and silviculture, planning and recommending the allocation of concession areas, preparing operational guidelines for forest management planning, evaluating management and operational plans, prescribing standards for forest management and providing support for forestry extensions. Responsible for building a GIS capacity, developing a database of digital geographical data and provide a service to both external & internal stakeholders.

Human Resources & Administration – Responsible for staff management, development and implementation of human resource policies and procedures, education, training, including in service training and liaison with relevant teaching and training institutions. Also responsible for maintenance of GFC assets, implementation of health and safety policies and security issues.

A herbarium is available for public use and has a collection of wood samples and plant specimens (these are sold at a cost recovery basis).

A library has been opened for public use and is stocked with research findings, and journals on issues on the local and international arenas.