Ensuring Sustainable Forestry

FCPF boosting National Toshaos Council for REDD+ readiness

GEORGETOWN, Guyana, February 28, 2018: The Ministry of Natural Resources through the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) Project is executing a consultancy for the institutional strengthening of the National Toshaos Council (NTC).

As part of this programme, a three-day familarisation workshop commenced on February 26, 2018, at the Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC) Multiplex Building, Kingston, involving the 20 elected executive members of the NTC.

FCPF’s Project Assistant Michelle Astwood (second from left) responds to questions raised during the workshop. At left is GFC’s Chairman Jocelyn Dow and (at right) Programme Coordinator of the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs Jude Da Silva.
FCPF’s Project Assistant Michelle Astwood (second from left) responds to questions raised during the workshop. At left is GFC’s Chairman Jocelyn Dow and (at right) Programme Coordinator of the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs Jude Da Silva.

Speaking at the workshop, FCPF’s Project Assistant Michelle Astwood said the 21-month consultancy will boost the organisational, governance and financial capabilities of the NTC and other related stakeholder organisations. This is in keeping with the FCPF Readiness Process, which aims to prepare the NTC and other stakeholders to be involved and make a meaningful contribution to the national programme for Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+).

FCPF’s Project Assistant Michelle Astwood addresses the executive members of the National Toshaos Council (NTC) at the opening of the FCPF-REDD+ familarisation workshop on February 26, 2018.
FCPF’s Project Assistant Michelle Astwood addresses the executive members of the National Toshaos Council (NTC) at the opening of the FCPF-REDD+ familarisation workshop on February 26, 2018.

Ms. Astwood noted too that the FCPF is putting special emphasis to involve women in the REDD+ Readiness Process, and urged the NTC’s support for upcoming initiatives in this regard.

GFC’s Chairman Jocelyn Dow pledged the support of the GFC for FCPF-REDD+ activities, also noting the NTC’s role to ensure there is local content in internationally-led sustainable development programmes and policies like FCPF-REDD+.

NTC’s Chairman Joel Fredericks pledges the Council’s support for FCPF-REDD+ Readiness activities.
NTC’s Chairman Joel Fredericks pledges the Council’s support for FCPF-REDD+ Readiness activities.

In his remarks, NTC’s Chairman Joel Fredericks said the Toshaos are pleased that the long-awaited FCPF-REDD+ project has started, and they are all eager to be involved and to support the ongoing activities.

One of the outcomes of the FCPF-REDD+ project includes providing financial assistance for office rental and the hiring of three permanent staff for the NTC’s Secretariat.

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