Guyana Monitoring Reporting & Verification System(MRVS) Assessment Report

MRVS Report – Assessment Year 2022

In 2020 the Monitoring Reporting and Verification System (MRVS) moved into its third phase in line with tasks set out in the MRVS roadmap. This report presents the findings of the twelve national assessment, which covers the period from January 2022 to 31 December 2022.

The MRVS reports, at a national level, deforestation and degradation by change driver and changes within the Intact Forest Landscape (IFL). Deforestation is monitored using satellite imagery, with estimates of degradation resulting from mining and infrastructure computed by drawing a GIS buffer around deforested areas and applying a specific emission factor.
Emissions from shifting cultivation, mining and infrastructure degradation, and timber harvesting and illegal logging are also reported. The MRVS provides a robust measure of both deforestation and degradation that aligns with Guyana’s desire to pursue a low or no-cost REDD+ implementation option – this was an integral part of the Phase 2 objective whilst moving toward total emissions accounting.

Deforestation between 1 January 2022 and 31 December 2022 is 6,470 ha. This equates to an annualised deforestation rate of 0.036%, lower than the change reported in the previous year (0.042%). As with previous assessments, the Durham University (DU) team has verified the GFC’s deforestation area using a statistically representative independent sample. The area of deforestation reported by DU closely aligns with the values reported by the GFC (see Appendix 1). A summary of the key reporting measures is presented in the following Tables. The total CO2 emissions for 2022 is 10,682,303 CO2….Click here for more information

MRVS Report – Assessment Year 2021

In 2020, the Monitoring Reporting and Verification System (MRVS) moved into its third phase in line with tasks set out in the MRVS Road Map. This document outlines the stepwise progression and development of the MRVS for the next five years 2020 – 2024.

In Year 8 (2018), the GFC reported total forest carbon emissions and removals, focusing on reporting emissions. This move was part of the continuous improvement of the system, allowing the GFC to move from the Interim Indicators used, and progressively to full emissions reporting. The reference measures and the interim performance indicators were to be applied while aspects of the MRVS were under development and were to eventually be phased out and replaced by a complete forest carbon accounting system as methodologies are further developed. Year 8 has placed Guyana at this stage.

In 2020, there was a full move towards full accounting of forest carbon emissions under the MRVS and
this has continued in 2021.

For reference, the ongoing comparison of performance for the area-based interim indicators is against the values reported in the 2009 “Benchmark Map2 ”. From that point onwards, the reporting periods are numbered sequentially, with Year 1 covering 2009 to 2010. This report presents the findings of the eleventh national assessment, which spanned a twelve-months period, 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021….Click here for more information

MRVS Report – Assessment Year 2020

In 2020 the Monitoring Reporting and Verification System (MRVS) moved into its third phase in line with tasks set out in the MRVS Road Map. This document outlines the stepwise progression and development of the MRVS for the next five years 2020 – 2024.

In Year 8 (2018), the GFC reported total forest carbon emissions and removals, focusing on reporting emissions. This move was part of the continuous improvement to the system, allowing the GFC to move away from the Interim Indicators progressively. The reference measures and the interim performance indicators were to be applied while aspects of the MRVS were under development and were to eventually be phased out and replaced by a complete forest carbon accounting system as methodologies are further developed. Year 8 has placed Guyana at this stage. In 2020, there is a full move towards full accounting of forest carbon emissions under the MRVS.

For reference, the ongoing comparison of performance for the area-based interim indicators is against the values reported in the 2009 “Benchmark Map2 ”. From that point onwards, the reporting periods are numbed sequentially, with Year 1 covering 2009 to 2010. This report presents the findings of the tenth national assessment, which spans a twelve-month period, 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020….Click here for more information

MRVS Report – Assessment Year 2019

In 2017 the Monitoring Reporting and Verification System (MRVS) moved into its second phase in line with tasks set out in the MRVS Road Map. This document outlines the stepwise progression and development of the MRVS for the next four years 2017 to 2020.

In Year 8 (2018) the GFC reported on total forest carbon emissions and removals, with a focus on reporting emissions. This move was part of the continuous improvement to the System, allowing the GFC to progressively move away from the Interim Indicators. The intention of the reference measure as well as the interim performance indicators were to be applied while aspects of the MRVS were under development and were to eventually be phased out and replaced by a full forest carbon accounting system as methodologies are further developed. Year 8 has placed Guyana at this stage.

For reference the ongoing comparison of performance for the area-based interim indicators is against the
values reported in the 2009 “Benchmark Map4 ”. From that point onwards, the reporting periods are numbed sequentially with Year 1 covering 2009 to 2010. This report presents the findings of the ninth national assessment which spans a twelve-month period, 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2019….Click here for more information

MRVS Report – Year 8 Interim Measures Report
1 January 2018 to 31 December 2018
Version 1
22nd November 2019

In 2017 the Monitoring Reporting and Verification System (MRVS) moved into its second phase in line with tasks set out in the MRVS Road Map. This document outlines the stepwise progression and development of the MRVS for the next four years 2017 to 2020.

The framework for Year 8 is progressively moving away from Interim Indicators towards the reporting of total forest carbon emissions and removals, with a focus on reporting emissions. Originally it was intended that the reference measure as well as the interim performance indicators would only apply while aspects of the MRVS were under development and eventually phased out and replaced by a full forest carbon accounting system as methodologies are further developed. Year 8 places Guyana at this stage.

For reference the ongoing comparison of performance for the area-based interim indicators is against the values reported in the 2009 “Benchmark Map 4 ”. From that point onwards, the reporting periods are numbed sequentially with year 1 covering 2009 to 2010. This report presents the findings of the eight national assessment which spans a twelve-month period, 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2018….Click here for more information

MRVS Report – Year 7 Summary Report
1 January 2017 to 31 December 2017

In 2017 the Monitoring Reporting and Verification System (MRVS) moved into its second phase in line with tasks set out in the MRVS Road Map. This document outlines the stepwise progression and development of the MRVS for the next four years 2017 to 2020.

The framework for reporting continues to be the REDD+ Interim Indicators, as well as the reporting requirements as outlined in the 2009, 2011, and 2012 and 2015 versions of the Joint Concept Note (JCN). It is envisaged that the reference measure as well as the interim performance indicators will only apply while aspects of the MRVS are being developed and will be phased out and replaced by a full forest carbon accounting system as methodologies are further developed.

For reference the ongoing comparison of performance for the area-based interim indicators is against the values reported in the 2009 “Benchmark Map1 ”. From that point onwards, the reporting periods are numbed sequentially with year 1 covering 2009 to 2010. This report presents the findings of the seventh national assessment which spans a twelve-month period, 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2017….Click here for more information

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