- Under the third-party certification model one party develops the standards and certification system (GFC, with the endorsement of PEFC);
- The second party (accreditation bodies, themselves accredited by PEFC) is independent of the first party but has responsibility to ensure that certification bodies (the third party) are implementing the certification system in accordance with the system rules.
- The third party (independent certification bodies) evaluates and issue certificates to Forest Sector Operators (FSOs) that demonstrate compliance with the forest management and chain of custody standards.
- Independent third-party certification bodies (CBs) will audit FSOs that apply for certification under the Guyana national certification system, and issue certificates upon satisfactorily meeting the requirements of the national standards (both forest management and chain of custody certification). CBs issuing certificates must be accredited by PEFC.
- Forest management and chain of custody certificates issued by an independent third-party CB under the Guyana national standards endorsed by the PEFC, will be equivalent to international PEFC certificates.
- FSOs certified under the PEFC-endorsed national standards can use PEFC trademarks (including logos) for marketing and promotion nationally and internationally.