Ensuring Sustainable Forestry

MRVS Interim Measures Reports

Accuracy Assessment – Year 1

22 March 2011

This report was commissioned by the Guyana Forestry Commission in support of a system to Monitor, Report and Verify (MRV) for forest resources and carbon stock changes as part of Guyana’s engagement in the UN Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation plus (REDD+). The scope of the work was to conduct an independent assessment of forest area and forest area change estimates for the period 1990 to 2010. Specifically, the terms of reference asked that confidence limits be attached to forest area estimates.

The methods used in this report follow the recommendations set out in the GOFC-GOLD guidelines to help identify and quantify uncertainty in the level and rate of deforestation in Guyana over the period 1990 to 2009 (Benchmark Period) and 2009 to 2010 (Interim Measures Period – Year 1). High spatial resolution imagery combined with low altitude photography and field visits are used to assess the wall-to-wall mapping of Guyana undertaken by Pöyry Management Consulting Ltd and Guyana Forestry Commission…Click here for more information

DNV Interim Measures Verification Report – Year 1

October 2009 to September 2010


DNV has been contracted by Norwegian Ministry of Environment of perform a non-accredited verification of the Interim REDD+ Performance indicator under the Guyana-Norway REDD+ partnership…Click here for more information

Guyana MRVS Interim Measures Report – Year 1 V3

March 16, 2011

On 9 November 2009, Guyana and Norway agreed on a framework that establishes the pathway of REDD+ implementation. Under this framework several forest-based interim measures have been agreed on for annual reporting whilst the MRVS is under development. The intention is that these interim measures will be phased out as the Monitoring Reporting and Verification System (MRVS) is established2.

The basis for comparison of the area-based interim measures is the 30 September 2009 benchmark map3. The first reporting period (termed Year 1) is set from 1 October 2009 to 30 September 2010…Click here for more information

DNV Interim Measures Verification Report – Year 2

October 2010 to December 2011


DNV has been contracted by the Ministry of Environment Government of Norway to perform a non-accredited verification of the Interim REDD+ Performance indicator under the Guyana-Norway REDD+ partnership…Click here for more information

Guyana MRVS Interim Measures Report – Year 2 V3

26 July, 2012

In March 2011, a revised Joint Concept Note (JCN) under the Guyana/Norway Agreement was issued, and replaces the JCN of 2009. The revised JCN provides an update on progress in key areas of work including on the MRVS. REDD+ Interim Indicators and reporting requirements, as had been outlined in the 2009 JCN, were maintained. The intention is that these interim measures will be phased out as the Monitoring Reporting and Verification System (MRVS) is established2.

The basis for comparison of the area-based interim measures is the 30 September 2009 Benchmark Map3. The first reporting period (termed Year 1) is set from 01 October, 2009 to 30 September, 2010 with second reporting period (Year 2) covering 01 October 2010 to 31 December 2011, a fifteen (15) month period…Click here for more information

DNV Interim Measures Verification Report – Year 3

January 2012 to December 2012

DNV Climate Change Services AS (DNV) has been contracted by the Ministry of Environment– Government of Norway to perform a non-accredited Verification of Interim REDD+ Performance indicators under the Guyana-Norway REDD+ partnership. According to the Joint Concept Note (JCN) signed between both parties, these indicators will serve to evaluate Guyana‘s performance regarding REDD+ until a MRV system is in place which will serve to accurately monitor the emissions from deforestation /53/.
DNV has been tasked to verify the results in deforestation and forest degradation as measured using the interim indicators established in the Joint Concept Note…Click here for more information

MRVS Interim Measures Report – Year 3 V3

January 2012 –December 2012

In December 2012, a revised Joint Concept Note (JCN) under the Guyana/Norway Agreement was issued, and replaces the JCN of 2011. The revised JCN provides an update on progress in key areas of work including on the MRVS. REDD+ Interim Indicators and reporting requirements, as had been outlined in the 2009 JCN, were maintained. The intention is that these interim measures will be phased out as the Monitoring Reporting and Verification System (MRVS) is established2.

The basis for comparison of the area-based interim measures is the 30 September 2009 Benchmark Map3. The first reporting period (termed Year 1) is set from 01 October, 2009 to 30 September, 2010 with second reporting period (Year 2) covering 01 October 2010 to 31 December 2011…Click here for more information

DNV Interim Measures Verification Report – Year 4

DNV GL AS (DNV GL) has been contracted by the Ministry of Environment– Government of Norway to perform a non-accredited verification of Interim REDD+ Performance indicators under the Guyana-Norway REDD+ partnership. According to the Joint Concept Note (JCN) signed between both parties, these indicators will serve to evaluate Guyana’s performance regarding REDD+ until a MRV system is in place which will serve to accurately monitor the emissions from deforestation /53/.

DNV GL has been tasked to verify the results in deforestation and forest degradation as measured using the interim indicators established in the Joint Concept Note…Click here for more information

MRVS Interim Measures Report – Year 4 V3

January 2013 – December 2013

In December 2012, a revised Joint Concept Note (JCN) under the Guyana/Norway Agreement was issued, and replaced the JCN of 2011. The revised JCN provides an update on progress in key areas of work including the MRVS. REDD+ Interim Indicators and reporting requirements, as had been outlined in the 2009 JCN, were maintained. The intention is that these interim measures will be phased out as the Monitoring Reporting and Verification System (MRVS) is established 2.

The basis for comparison of the area-based interim measures is the 30 September 2009 Benchmark Map 3. The first reporting period (termed Year 1) is set from 01 October 2009 to 30 September 2010 with the second reporting period (Year 2) covering 01 October 2010 to 31 December 2011, a fifteen (15) month period. The Year 3 and Year 4 reports both cover the 2013 and 2014 calendar years, respectively…Click here for more information

MRVS Interim Measures Report – Year 5 Version 3

January 2014 – December 2014


In early 2015, a revised Joint Concept Note (JCN) under the Guyana/Norway Agreement was issued, and replaced the JCN of 2012. The revised JCN provides an update on progress in key areas of work including the MRVS. REDD+ Interim Indicators and reporting requirements, as had been outlined in the 2009, 2011, and 2012 JCNs, were maintained. The intention is that these interim measures will be phased out as the Monitoring Reporting and Verification System (MRVS) is fully established2.
The basis for comparison of the area-based interim measures is the 30 September 2009 Benchmark Map3. The first reporting period (termed Year 1) spanned 01 October 2009 to 30 September 2010. Thereafter an annual assessment has been conducted. This report presents the findings of the fifth national assessment….Click here for more information

MRVS Interim Summary Report – Year 5

January 2014 – December 2014

In early 2015, a revised Joint Concept Note (JCN) under the Guyana/Norway Agreement was issued, and replaced the JCN of 2012. The revised JCN provides an update on progress in key areas of work including the MRVS. REDD+ Interim Indicators and reporting requirements, as had been outlined in the 2009, 2011, and 2012 JCNs, were maintained. The intention is that these interim measures will be phased out as the Monitoring Reporting and Verification System (MRVS) is fully established1.
The basis for comparison of the area-based interim measures is the 30 September 2009 Benchmark Map2. The first reporting period (termed Year 1) spanned 01 October 2009 to 30 September 2010. Thereafter an annual assessment has been conducted. This summary Report presents the findings of the fifth national assessment….Click here for more information

MRVS Verification Report DVN GL – Year 5

 5 March 2016

DNV GL AS (DNV GL) has been contracted by the Ministry of Environment– Government of Norway to perform a non-accredited verification of Interim REDD+ Performance indicators under the Guyana-Norway REDD+ partnership. According to the Joint Concept Note (JCN) signed between both parties, these indicators will serve to evaluate Guyana’s performance regarding REDD+ until a MRV system is in place which will serve to accurately monitor the emissions from deforestation….Click here for more information

MRVS Interim Measures Report – Year 6 V3

 1st January 2015 – 31st December 2016

The total land area for Guyana is 21.1 million hectares (ha) and spans from 2 to 8° N and 57 to 61° W. Guyana shares common borders with three countries: to the north-west – Venezuela, the south-west – Brazil, and on the east – Suriname. Guyana’s 460 km coastline faces the Atlantic on the northern part of the South American continent. The coastal plain is only about 16 km wide but is 459 km long…..Click here for more information

MRVS Independent Verification Report – Year 6

 20th April, 2018

DNV GL AS (DNV GL) has been contracted by the Ministry of Environment– Government of Norway to perform a non-accredited verification of Interim REDD+ Performance indicators under the Guyana-Norway REDD+ partnership. According to the Joint Concept Note (JCN) signed between both parties, these indicators will serve to evaluate Guyana’s performance regarding REDD+ until a MRV system is in place which will serve to accurately monitor the emissions from deforestation …. Click here for more information

MRVS Summary Report – Year 6

 1st January 2015 – 31st December 2016
Several areas have been progressively improved over the period that interim measures are recorded. Over time the reporting formats have been improved and refined to accommodate impending measures such as shifting cultivation and afforestation.
Year 6 marked a slowdown in the MRVS to allow the new Government of Guyana to discuss options for the way forward on Guyana’s MRVS with the Government of Norway. Over this period, forest change was monitored using a combination of Landsat and Sentinel images. As a result, only areas of deforestation were mapped. The resolution of the data used meant it was not possible to conduct national scale monitoring of the impact of forest degradation…..Click here for more information