Ensuring Sustainable Forestry

National Working Group

Composition of the National Standard-Setting Working Group

Type of stakeholderSectoral InterestStakeholder organisations
 Private sector/Forest owners/National Steering Committee for Community Forest Organization (NSCCFO)
Guyana Manufacturing & Services Association (GMSA)
Forest Products Association (FPA)
National Toshaos’ Council (NTC)
Indigenous Peoples’ Commission (IPC)
Guyana Agriculture Workers’ Union (representing workers/trade unions)
Indigenous nongovernmental organisationsAmerindian People’s Association (APA)
National Amerindian Development Foundation (NADF)
Guyanese Organization of Indigenous Peoples (GOIP)
The Amerindian Action Movement of Guyana (TAAMOG)
InterestedEnvironmental nongovernmental organisations Conservation International Guyana (CI-G)
World Wildlife Fund Guyana (WWF-G)
Iwokrama (International Centre for Rainforest Conservation and Development)
GovernmentMinistry of Amerindian Affairs (MoAA)
Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR)
Forestry Training Centre Inc.(FTCI)
Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC) (Chair, Standardising, and National Governing Body)
Civil SocietyWomen and Gender Equality Commission (WGEC) (representing the interests of women)
Children and Youth (Ministry of Human Services and Social Security (MoHSSS)) (representing the interests of youth)
Guyana School of Agriculture (GSA) (representing academia) (as a stakeholder with potential to influence standards implementation)