Guyana is situated on the northeastern coast of South America, in between Venezuela which lies to its west and Suriname (Dutch Guiana) on its east. Guyana has an area of 214,970 km2 of which nearly seventy-five percent is covered with natural vegetation. Of this area, approximately four fifths is classified as State Forests under the jurisdiction of the Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC).
To provide excellence in forestry management services to our stakeholders through the application of professional skills to contribute to our nation’s development.
To be a dynamic and professional Forestry Commission highly respected by local and international stakeholders.
The GFC is responsible for advising the subject Minister on issues relating to forest policy, forestry laws and regulations. The Commission is also responsible for the administration and management of all State Forest land. The work of the Commission is guided by a National Forest Plan that has been developed to address the forest policy.
The Commission develops and monitors standards for forest sector operations, develops and implements forest protection and conservation strategies, oversees forest research and provides support and guidance to forest education and training. See departments for a list of departments in the GFC. The GFC is governed by a board of directors appointed by the President. The board is responsible for the performance of the functions conferred on the Commission by the Act.
UAV Mapping Of Mining Impacts
Fieldwork surrounding active mining sites is often dangerous and time-consuming. Rapid surveys using a UAV enables mapping of the mining extent and supports fieldwork measurements looking to quantify forest degradation. The drone footage can be linked to field transects and used to estimate the level and extent of canopy disturbance…
Forest Degradation Estimation: A National Approach
Detecting and mapping forest degradation at country level is challenging – especially in cloudy countries! Over several years the Guyana Forestry Commission, supported by Indufor and Durham University have developed a novel method that uses sample-based approach to quantify the area of change due to degradation. These results are supporting Guyana…
RADAR Deforestation Alerts Added To Guyana’s Forest Monitoring System
One of the most challenging aspects of monitoring forest change in Guyana is the persistent cloud cover. Before forest loss can be identified, the operator must first search for cloud-free imagery over the target area. Changes occurring under persistent-cloud, are not detected. To this end, Indufor has developed a complementary…
An Assessment Of Global Forest Change Datasets For National Forest Monitoring And Reporting
In 2009, Indufor and Durham University began developing Guyana’s forest monitoring system alongside the Guyana Forestry Commission. The outcome is an operational national monitoring system that reports deforestation at one-hectare scale. The forest change record spans ten years, and the information produced supports Guyana’s resource monitoring efforts. A further, but yet untapped, potential is the…