FCPF-REDD+ consultations for indigenous, forest-dependent communities

GEORGETOWN, Guyana: The Ministry of Natural Resources has hired a communications firm to engage and consult with indigenous peoples, forest-dependent communities and other key stakeholders of the programme to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+). Over the next 24 months, the Spain-based Centre of Partnerships for Development (CAD) will…

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Forestry sector surpasses 2017 production target

DPI, GUYANA, Monday, January 29, 2018 The forestry sector has managed to surpass its revised 2017 production target despite the challenges it faced and has set an “ambitious” target for 2018. Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman, at a press conference last week noted log production is likely to be…

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FCPC, Guyana signs first REDD+ Readiness Process Contract

On Tuesday, the Ministry of Natural Resources, Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) Project signed its first contract for Grievance and Redress Mechanism (GRM) to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD+) readiness process. The contract was awarded to The Consultancy Group (TCG). It was signed by MNR Permanent Secretary…

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