Mallali consulted on Guyana-EU FLEGT VPA (February 16, 2017)
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”14″ gal_title=”Mallali consulted on Guyana-EU FLEGT VPA (February 16, 2017)”]
FLEGT consultation session held in Aishalton (February 13, 2017)
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”9″ gal_title=”FLEGT consultation session held in Aishalton (February 13, 2017)”]
Successful session on EUFLEGT was held in Lethem (February 10 2017)
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”8″ gal_title=”Successful session on EUFLEGT was held in Lethem (February 10 2017)”]
Karasabai consulted on Guyana-EU FLEGT VPA (February 2017)
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”7″ gal_title=”Karasabai consulted on Guyana-EU FLEGT VPAKarasabai consulted on Guyana-EU FLEGT VPA (February 09, 2017)”]
FLEGT Consultation held in the Villages of Rupertee, Wowetta and Toka (February 2017)
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”5″ gal_title=”FLEGT Consultation held in the Villages of Rupertee, Wowetta and Toka”]
Annai Cluster consultation held – Stakeholders updated on the Guyana-EU FLEGT VPA process (February 2017)
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”6″ gal_title=”Annai Cluster consultation held – Stakeholders updated on the Guyana-EU FLEGT VPA process”]
Kwakwani FLEGT Consultation Session (January 31 – February 01, 2017)
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”15″ gal_title=”Kwakwani consulted on Guyana-EU FLEGT VPA (February 01, 2017)”]
Greatfalls FLEGT Consultation Session (January 2017)
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”3″ gal_title=”Greatfalls FLEGT Consultation Session (January 31st 2017)”]
Rockstone forest stakeholders and interested persons were updated on FLEGT (January 2017)
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”4″ gal_title=”Rockstone forest stakeholders and interested persons were updated on FLEGT ((January 30th 2017)”]
FLEGT Seminar Photos: Sharing Regional Lessons on VPA Processes Transitioning from Negotiation to Implementation. (28th – 29th September, 2016)
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”2″ gal_title=”FLEGT Seminar: Sharing Regional Lessons on VPA Processes Transitioning from Negotiation to Implementation (28th – 29th September, 2016)”]