Stakeholder Engagement and Consultations

Stakeholder Consultation Sessions on Guyana EU FLEGT

Date of Document: 22/02/2017
Version: Draft

Summary of the Report
The Guyana Forestry Commission in collaboration with the National Technical Working Group (NTWG) embarked on a National Round of consultation. This round of consultation was aimed at having focussed discussions especially as it relates to Annex: V, the Timber Legality Assurance System, and Annex II: the Legality Definition and Annex VIII: Support Measures. The areas to be consulted were selected on needs assessment basis…Click here for more information


Consolidated comments matrix 2017

2017 National Consultation Feedback Matrix



FLEGT Seminar: Sharing Regional Lessons on VPA Processes Transitioning from Negotiation to Implementation

28th – 29th September, 2016


Guyana’s robust management of its forestry sector and its low annual deforestation rate of 0.06% are seen to be special pluses in moving into the implementation phase…Click here for more information


Date of Document: 10/10/2015
Version: Draft
Prepared by: Guyana Forestry Commission

Stakeholder Consultation Session on FLEGT in Regions Two, Four, Seven and Ten (Georgetown, Essequibo, Berbice, Imbaimadai, Annai, Karasabai and Kamarang)


Illegal logging and its associated trade is responsible for loss of revenue, environmental and social damage worldwide. In recognition of its contribution to this global issue, the EU in 2003 developed its FLEGT Action Plan. An important aspect of this Action Plan is the development of Voluntary Partnership Agreements with timber producing countries with the aim of ensuring that only legally produced timber and timber products are exported to the EU. Under this arrangement a country voluntarily enters into the VPA process and after proceeding through the different phases, the agreement becomes law in the EU and the partner country…Click here for more information


Date of Document: 01/10/2015
Version: Draft
Prepared by: Guyana Forestry Commission

Stakeholder Consultation Session on FLEGT in Regions One, Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten


Illegal logging and its associated trade is responsible for loss of revenue, environmental and social damage worldwide. In recognition of its contribution to this global issue, the EU in 2003 developed its FLEGT Action Plan. An important aspect of this Action Plan is the development of Voluntary Partnership Agreements with timber producing countries with the aim of ensuring that only legally produced timber and timber products are exported to the EU. Under this arrangement a country voluntarily enters into the VPA process and after proceeding through the different phases, the agreement becomes law in the EU and the partner country…Click here for more information


Version: Draft
Period: March 2013 – February 2015

Feedback Matrix

Stakeholder Session on FLEGT in Region One Moruca Mabaruma Port Kaituma

Period: January 27-31, 2014
Prepared by: Guyana Forestry Commission

A series of consultation sessions were held in Region One on European Union Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade (EU FLEGT) and were attended by representatives of almost all indigenous communities and other Community Development Councils, as well as a few representatives from government and Non-Governmental Organisation in the region.

The objectives of these consultations were to:

  • To further develop and strengthen Guyana’s existing framework for forest legality and sustainable forest management in a manner consistent with national priorities,
  • To enhances Guyana’s forest products’ market opportunities.
  • Ensure that participants were aware of what the EU FLEGT programme seeks to do at the national level.
  • Ensure that participants who were aware of the programme were updated on the progress of the programme since its formal commencement.
  • Receive feedback on various aspects of the VPA and more specifically the product scope and the Legality Definition…Click here for more information

Stakeholder Session on FLEGT Region 2 & 10
Anna Regina Kwakwani Report

Prepared by: Guyana Forestry Commission (FLEGT Secretariat)

Guyana and the European Union (EU) have commenced formal dialogue on an EU Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade, Voluntary Partnership Agreement (FLEGT VPA). The first formal negotiation was held in December 2012, at which key timelines were agreed to, that would guide the process moving forward. In announcing its decision to commence formal negotiations with the EU on a VPA, Guyana expressed that it is aware of the benefits of a FLEGT VPA such as stimulating markets, enabling Guyana’s exporters to retain markets, developing systems that demonstrate legality of timber production on international markets and expanding reporting requirements.

The commencement of formal dialogue with the EU was preceded by a series of stakeholder engagement exercises and consultations that helped Guyana to take the decision to enter into formal negotiations. The Government of Guyana, FAO, EU and local stakeholder groups were instrumental in supporting this process of sharing information, conducting initial analyses and contemplating potential impacts and benefits of a FLEGT VPA for Guyana…Click here for more information

Stakeholder Session on FLEGT Region 4 & 6
Berbice Georgetown Report

Prepared by: Guyana Forestry Commission (FLEGT Secretariat)

Guyana and the European Union (EU) have commenced formal dialogue on an EU Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade, Voluntary Partnership Agreement (FLEGT VPA). The first formal negotiation was held in December 2012, at which key timelines were agreed to, that would guide the process moving forward. In announcing its decision to commence formal negotiations with the EU on a VPA, Guyana expressed that it is aware of the benefits of a FLEGT VPA such as stimulating markets, enabling Guyana’s exporters to retain markets, developing systems that demonstrate legality of timber production on international markets and expanding reporting requirements.

The commencement of formal dialogue with the EU was preceded by a series of stakeholder engagement exercises and consultations that helped Guyana to take the decision to enter into formal negotiations. The Government of Guyana, FAO, EU and local stakeholder groups were instrumental in supporting this process of sharing information, conducting initial analyses and contemplating potential impacts and benefits of a FLEGT VPA for Guyana…Click here for more information

Stakeholder Session on FLEGT in Region Seven Kaikan and Kamarang

Period: April 23-25, 2014
Prepared by: Guyana Forestry Commission (FLEGT Secretariat)

Consultations on the EU FLEGT process continued in Region Seven in an effort to be able to reach all stakeholders in this first round of national consultations following the formal commencements of negotiations. Though not involved in commercial logging, there are various levels of logging activities which take place at the community level in various communities.

A similar approach to the consultation process was used in keeping with what was done in other regions in Guyana i.e. a cluster based approach was used. However, there were provisions made for more community members from the host community to attend the sessions. The sessions were organised in four communities and there were two teams which were set up to conduct the sessions in these locations…Click here for more information

Stakeholder Session on FLEGT in Region Seven – Imbaimadi and Jawalla

Period: April 23-25, 2014
Prepared by: Guyana Forestry Commission (FLEGT Secretariat)

Illegal logging and its associated trade is responsible for loss of revenue, environmental and social damage worldwide. In recognition of its contribution to this global issue, the EU in 2003 developed its FLEGT Action Plan. An important aspect of this Action Plan is the development of Voluntary Partnership Agreements with timber producing countries with the aim of ensuring that only legally produce timber and timber products are exported to the EU. Under this arrangement a country voluntarily enters into the VPA process and after proceeding through the different phases, the agreement becomes law in the EU and the partner country.

Several countries in West Africa, South East Asia, Central America and South America have signalled their intention to enter into the VPA process with the aim of eventually signing a VPA. In South America, Guyana has been the first country to enter the VPA process. In 2012, after a series of engagements with key internal and external stakeholders, the Government of Guyana made a policy decision to enter the VPA process with the EU and envisaged eventual signing of a VPA in 2015. Since this decision, a series of initial follow up activities were undertaken in Guyana: an assessment of Guyana’s Legality Assurance System was completed, the National Technical Working Group was formed to steer the VPA process, stakeholder engagement activities were conducted and the FLEGT Secretariat was established to support the NTWG in advancing the VPA process…Click here for more information

Stakeholder Session on FLEGT in Region Seven and Eight Bartica Kato Campbelltown

Period: 19th- 21st and 28th February, 2014
Prepared by: Guyana Forestry Commission (FLEGT Secretariat)

The FLEGT VPA having formally commenced in 2012 has continued with consultations sessions throughout the country. These sessions are geared towards receiving inputs from stakeholder groups on key aspects of the VPA such as the Legality Definition and other aspects of the Legality Assurance System.

The Chainsaw Milling Project (CMP), an EU funded Project has worked in four pilot communities in Guyana and has in this phase of its work to provide support for the FLEGT VPA process in Guyana. The CMP has been working in four communities to improve and provide alternative livelihood opportunities for its residents. In this regard, a collaborative approach between the NTWG and the CMP was used, to consult with Indigenous Communities in Region 7 and 8…Click here for more information

Stakeholder Session on FLEGT Region 2 & 10
Anna Regina Kwakwani

Prepared by: Guyana Forestry Commission (FLEGT Secretariat)

Guyana and the European Union (EU) have commenced formal dialogue on an EU Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade, Voluntary Partnership Agreement (FLEGT VPA). The first formal negotiation was held in December 2012, at which key timelines were agreed to, that would guide the process moving forward. In announcing its decision to commence formal negotiations with the EU on a VPA, Guyana expressed that it is aware of the benefits of a FLEGT VPA such as stimulating markets, enabling Guyana’s exporters to retain markets, developing systems that demonstrate legality of timber production on international markets and expanding reporting requirements.

The commencement of formal dialogue with the EU was preceded by a series of stakeholder engagement exercises and consultations that helped Guyana to take the decision to enter into formal negotiations. The Government of Guyana, FAO, EU and local stakeholder groups were instrumental in supporting this process of sharing information, conducting initial analyses and contemplating potential impacts and benefits of a FLEGT VPA for Guyana…Click here for more information

Guyana’s Programme of Work under EU FLEGT
Terms of Reference – Development of a Communication and Consultation Strategy for EU FLEGT in Guyana

Guyana and the European Union (EU) have commenced formal dialogue on an EU Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade, Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) (referred to hereafter as EU – Guyana VPA). The first formal negotiations were held in December 2012, at which key timelines were agreed to, that would guide the process moving forward. In announcing its decision to commence formal negotiations with the EU on a VPA, Guyana expressed that it is aware of the benefits of FLEGT such as stimulating markets, enabling Guyana’s exporters to retain markets, developing systems that demonstrate legality of timber production on international markets, and expanding reporting requirements and existing systems in the chain of custody management…Click here for more information

(Workshop with Amerindian Villages and Communities) Guyana’s Engagement with the European Union Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade Initiative

Prepared by: Guyana Forestry Commission
Draft Version 8th April, 2013

Illegal logging and its associated trade, leads to worldwide unsustainable economic, social, and environmental damage, involving financial, technical and trading links between companies and individuals in both timber-producing and timber-consuming countries. Therefore, the combat against these illegal activities is not solely the responsibility of the producing countries but is also the responsibility of consuming countries.

In fulfilling common objectives of strong forest governance, sustainable forest management and forest legality, Guyana has engaged in strategic partnerships and alliances with like-minded countries and regional groupings. The EU being a major global market for timber and timber products, with approximately 500 million potential consumers, has adopted its FLEGT Action Plan in 2003, in recognition of increasing public concerns of the impacts of illegal logging and related trade worldwide. A key element of the Action Plan is a proposal to establish bilateral VPA’s between the European Union and timber producing countries, with the aim of ensuring only legally-sourced timber products are imported into the EU from these partner countries…Click here for more information

Guyana’s Engagement with the European Union Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade Initiative

Prepared by: Guyana Forestry Commission
Draft Version 4th October, 2012

Illegal logging and its associated trade, leads to worldwide unsustainable economic, social, and environmental damage, involving financial, technical and trading links between companies and individuals in both timber-producing and timber-consuming countries. Therefore, the combat against these illegal activities is not solely the responsibility of the producing countries but is also the responsibility of consuming countries.

In fulfilling common objectives of strong forest governance, sustainable forest management and forest legality, Guyana has engaged in strategic partnerships and alliances with like-minded countries and regional groupings. The EU being a major global market for timber and timber products, with approximately 500 million potential consumers, has adopted its FLEGT Action Plan in 2003, in recognition of increasing public concerns of the impacts of illegal logging and related trade worldwide. A key element of the Action Plan is a proposal to establish bilateral VPA’s between the European Union and timber producing countries, with the aim of ensuring only legally-sourced timber products are imported into the EU from these partner countries…Click here for more information

Communication on the EU FLEGT – VPA Process in Guyana

“The single biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has taken place”- George Bernard Shaw.

Communication and its importance can never be underestimated in any multi- stakeholder process since if done well can add great momentum to the process being completed within stipulated timelines. Feedback mechanisms at every stage of the process are needed. Too often communication is not complete and information is given out, but there is no system to establish whether the receivers have truly understood the process and ultimately the message. The members of the NTWG realise the value of having a very robust communication system under the FLEGT process…Click here for more information

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