How the Guyana National Forest
Certification System is being developed
Invitation to nominate a representative to the
national standard- setting working group for the
national forest and wood products certification system
Public announcement on the Development
of Guyana’s National Forest Management
Standard and Certification System
What is The Scope of the National Forest Management and
Chain of Custody Certification System?
Key Benefits for Guyanese Stakeholders and why is Guyana
Developing its own Certification System when we have the VPA?
Public Announcement on the Development of Guyana’s
National Forest Management Standard
and Certification System
What is a National Forest Management and Chain of
Custody Certification System?
Notification of certification bodies for chain of custody
and forest management certifications in Guyana
Guyana Monitoring Reporting & Verification
System(MRVS) Assessment Report
Guyana MRV Support – Mid Term Evaluation
– Final Report 17.02.2020
Statement of Release of MRVS Year 7
Deforestation Assessment – November 21 2018
Public Notice for the release of the
Third Summary of Information Report
for Guyana on REDD+ Safeguards
Third Summary Of Information for
Guyana on REDD+ Safeguards
Overview of the Safeguard
Information System
What is the safeguard
information system?
How does Guyana report on the
safeguard’s application?
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