On Tuesday, the Ministry of Natural Resources, Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) Project signed its first contract for Grievance and Redress Mechanism (GRM) to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD+) readiness process. The contract was awarded to The Consultancy Group (TCG).

It was signed by MNR Permanent Secretary Joslyn McKenzie, and TCG’s Managing Director Timothy McIntosh, while FCPF Project Coordinator Clayton Hall, Project Assistant Michelle Astwood, and Procurement Specialist Suzanne Munro witnessed the signing at the Ministry’s Brickdam location.
According to the Ministry, GRM is “one of the most important pillars of the REDD+ readiness process.” GRM is the component that will engage, process, and investigate issues affecting stakeholders and communities under REDD+ in a transparent manner.
The purpose of the contract is to protect our forests from destruction. REDD+ will specifically target the emissions from deforestation and degradation and aim to significantly reduce them.
The contract is another step forward for the FCPF Project in Guyana. It is expected to be completed within six months.
FCPF is an association of Governments, businesses, civil society, Indigenous Peoples and Forest-Dependent communities focused on the sustainable management of forests in developing countries.
The FCPC, Guyana, is an entity enforced through collaboration with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) under a US$3.8 million technical cooperation agreement.
(Kaieteur News)