─ 35% reduction in deforestation
─ forestry commission lauded for implementation of forest regulations
DPI, Guyana, Friday, April 12, 2019
Guyana’s National REDD+ Strategy has helped in the reduction of deforestation by 35 per cent which was equivalent to about 13 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) not emitted into the atmosphere.

Post-Doctoral Researcher at the University of Boise State, Dr. Anand Roopsind made this disclosure during a presentation of the policy at the Guyana Forestry Commission on Friday.
“The kind of results we presented showed that the REDD+ agreement working in Guyana to reduce deforestation… so overall, the agreement worked to protect Guyana’s forest.”
The Guyana Forestry Commission also came in for commendation for the implementation of forest regulations and achieving the outcome with the REDD+ policy. According to Dr. Roopsind, the strategy is a model for other countries such as neighbouring Suriname. “There are tons of lessons to be learned from Guyana’s achievements.”

It was explained that the strategy provides data that supports what the commission does in terms of monitoring, tagging and verification.

Chairperson for the Forestry Commission, Jocelyn Dow, in brief remarks, expressed optimism that the strategy will help them in making more informed decisions as it relates to the mandate of the commission. “The more data we can accumulate regarding both policies and operations then the better informed we all are when it comes to the making argument for what needs to be done for the preservation of our forests.”
Guyana was one of four countries to benefit from the Regional REDD+ Project supported by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), the French Global Environment Facility (FFEM) and the local government of French Guiana (Région Guyane).
The project’s overarching aim is to support the reduction of Greenhouse Gases (GhG) associated with deforestation and forest degradation through information sharing and strengthening the technical capacity of REDD+ focal points and forest service institutions in Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana and the Brazilian State of Amapa.
Anara Khan.
Images: Giovani Gajie.