Ensuring Sustainable Forestry

Guyana’s Presentations at UNFCCCC Side Event – June 3 2015

Indufor Presentation on Guyana’s MRVS 

MRV Success Factors – Guyana

•Clear Institutional Arrangements and Reporting Functions with a implementing agency and strong focal point (GFC)
•Design of an MRV roadmap that identifies gaps and presents options and sequenced delivery – don’t try to do everything at once! Usually and includes assessment of datasets, capacity, infrastructure and likely system costs.
•Clear timelines and objectives and end goals to meet donor/ market expectations…. A funding stream – in this case Norway
•Understanding of drivers and the scale and importance of drivers on GHG emissions – what to measure and how much effort?
•In country buy in with a dedicated team
•Accurate and defendable datasets and methods that are well documented so it is auditable. An Independent Accuracy Assessment is Key to ensure the audit is trouble-free!…Click here for more information

NICFI Presentation on Lessons Learnt

Background – the Government of Norway´s International Climate and Forest Initiative
•Launched at COP13 at Bali in December 2007, established 2008
•Pledged up to 500 million USD/year – a prioritized climate effort
•Project Team at the Ministry of Climate and Environment – cooperates with the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, NORAD and other relevant ministries and agencies
•Aims to contribute to reduced global warming by reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) in developing countries…Click here for more information

Winrock Presentation on Guyana’s MRVS

Guyana’s Forest Carbon Monitoring System (FCMS)
GOAL: develop a country-specific database of carbon emission factors (EF) that can be used with remote sensing activity data to track emissions over time, past and future, from change in forest cover…Click here for more information