Ensuring Sustainable Forestry

Public Participation

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 Public Notice

The Government of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana is conducting consultation on the draft revision of the National Log Export Policy and the proposed new Revenue Structure, in an effort to further support and strengthen the development of the forest sector. These two initiatives are in keeping with advancing the implementation of the National Forest Plan and the Forest Act 2009, as well as the Ministry of Natural Resources’ overall vision for the forest sector. These form part of a programme that will seek to contribute to the green development plan for Guyana and will conclude by end of November 2016, in recommendations that will be submitted to the Ministry of Natural Resources. This will then inform the New Policy on Log Exports and new Revenue Structure for the Forest Sector, which will be implemented at start of 2017…Click here for Dates and Venues


Proposal for the Revised Revenue Structure for the Forest Sector of Guyana
Date Issued: May, 2016

The GFC is a semi autonomous body created by Act 2 of 1979 to replace the previous forestry department. The revenue functions of the GFC are prescribed in section 4 (i) of the Act and include the need to provide goods and services in order to promote economic, social and technological development and to impose, collect and recover all rents, fee, levies, royalties, stumpages, tools, and other charges…Click here for more information

National Log Export Policy – 2016 to 2020

Date Issued: February, 2016

Guyana’s forests, cover approximately 18.39 million hectares of Guyana’s land mass. The forest sector continues to serve an important role to Guyana’s development. This is evident from the environmental, social and as well as economic perspectives. There are a number of key priority areas that have been identified for continued development of the forest sector. Among some of the these initiatives are: boosting added value forest products manufacturing through fostering existing capabilities and stimulating the development of new opportunities; the creation of higher levels of value and employment creation per unit of forest resource extracted; supporting domestic demand through local consumption in related sectors (such as housing and infrastructure); and the advancement of a niche-market driven agenda that advances an integrated approach to forest management, processing, value adding, and export…Click here for more information