Ensuring Sustainable Forestry


Second Pre-Joint Monitoring and Review Committee (JMRC) meeting on October 27, 2022, in Georgetown, Guyana


1. The Pre-Joint Monitoring and Review Committee (Pre-JMRC) was convened on 27 October 2022 in Georgetown, Guyana. This second meeting of the Pre-JMRC of the Guyana European Union Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Voluntary Partnership Agreement (YPA), was chaired by the Hon. Vickram Bharrat, Minister of Natural Resources of Guyana, and the Ambassador of the European Union (EU) to Guyana, Rene van Nes represe l ted by Mr. Joan Nadal Sastre, Head of Cooperation of the European Union Delegation to Guyana. A list of participants is present in Annex I.

2. This Pre-JMRC was preceded by technical sessions held on 25 and 26 October between the EU and Guyana (hereinafter called ‘the Parties’), and with the participation of the VPA stakeholders. The content and conclusions of these technical sessions are captured in this Aide Mémoire.

3. The Parties committed to making public this Aide Memoire and the presentations made at the technical sessions.

4. Mr. Joan Nadal Sastre, Head of Cooperation of the European Unio Delegation to Guyana, representing Ambassador Rene van Nes, and Hon. Minister Bharrat welcomed all present and delivered opening remarks.

5. The Parties agreed on the Agenda of the meeting and on the drafting of his Aid Memoire of the second Pre-JMRC.

Aide Mémoire, October 27, 2022, | Download


1. EFITAP Guyana Update| Download

2. AFD EU FLEGT Programme Implementation in Guyana | Download

3. Presentation of the Indigenous Peoples Organisations of Guyana on the EU FLEGT VPA | Download

Aide Mémoire

First Pre-Joint Monitoring and Review Committee (JMRC) meeting on March 10, 2022, in Georgetown, Guyana


  1. The Pre-Joint Monitoring and Review Committee (Pre-JMRC) was convened on 10 March 2022 in Georgetown, Guyana. This first meeting of the Pre-JMRC of the Guyana-EU Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA), was chaired by the Hon. Vickram Bharrat, Minister of Natural Resources of Guyana, and the Ambassador of the European Union to Guyana, Fernando Ponz Cantó. A list of participants is presented in Annex I.
  2. This Pre-JMRC was preceded by technical sessions held on 8 and 9 March between the EU and Guyana (hereinafter called ‘the Parties’), and with the participation of the VPA stakeholders. The content of these technical sessions is captured in this Aide Mémoire.
  3. The Parties agreed to this Aide Mémoire and committed to making public the presentations made at the technical sessions, this Aide Mémoire, the Joint Implementation Framework (JIF), and a joint press release following the conclusion of the Pre-JMRC.

Aide Mémoire, March 10, 2022, | Download


1. Updated Joint Implementation Framework (JIF) | Download

2. Comments on the VPA by the Indigenous Peoples Organisations of Guyana | Download

3. Comments on the VPA by the Forest Products Association and Guyana Manufacturing & Services Association Ltd | Download

4. Comments on the VPA by Conservation International – Guyana, WWF-Guianas and the Iwokrama International Center for Rainforest Conservation and Development | Download

5. Proposal for an EU Deforestation Regulation  | Download

6. AFD EU FLEGT Programme | Download

7. EFITAP Guyana | Download

8. FLEGT Secretariat Capacity Assessment | Download

Aide Memoire

Fourth Guyana – European Union Negotiation Session on a Forest, Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade [FLEGTt], Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA)

10 March, 2016, Georgetown, Guyana


1. The fourth Guyana – European Union negotiation session on the FLEGT-VPA was held on 10 March, 2016 in Georgetown, Guyana.
2. The session was chaired by Ms Veronique Lorenzo, Head of Unit (Environment, Ecosystems, Biodiversity and Wildlife), Directorate General for International Cooperation and Development – European Commission (EC), on behalf of the European Union (EU) and by Mr James Singh, Commissioner of the Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC), on behalf of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana (Guyana). A list of the participants is presented in Annex 1…Click here for more information

Aide Memoire

Third Guyana – European Union Negotiation Session on a Forest, Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade [FLEGTt], Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA)

16 April, 2015, Georgetown, Guyana

1. The second Guyana – European Union negotiation session on the FLEGT VPA was held on 16 April, 2015 in Georgetown, Guyana.
2. The session was chaired by Dr. Cristiana Pasca-Palmer, Head of Unit (Climate change Environment, Natural Resources), Directorate General Development and Cooperation – EuropeAid, European Commission (EC), on behalf of the European Union and by Mr James Singh, Commissioner from the Guyana Forestry Commission, on behalf of the Government of Guyana. A list of the participants in presented in Annex 1…Click here for more information

Aide Memoire

Second Guyana – European Union Negotiation Session on A Forest, Law Enforcement, Governance And Trade [FLEGTt], Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA)

 18 July, 2013, Brussels, Belgium

1. The second Guyana – European Union negotiation session on the FLEGT VPA was held on 18 July 2013 in Brussels, Belgium.

2. The session was chaired by Ms Cristiana Pasca-Palmer,Head of Unit (Climate change, Environment, Natural resources, Water), Directorate General Development and Cooperation – EuropeAid, European Commission (EC),on behalf of the European Union, as suggested by Mr Tasreef Khan, Deputy Commissioner from the Guyana Forestry Commission, on behalf of the Government of Guyana. A list of the participants is presented in Annex 1…Click here for more information

Aide Memoire

First Guyana – European Commission Negotiation Session on a Forest, Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade [FLEGT], Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA)

5 December, 2012, Georgetown, Guyana

1. The first Guyana – European Commission Negotiation session on a Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) was held on 5 December 2012 in Georgetown, Guyana. The meeting was officially opened by Commissioner James Singh from the Guyana Forestry Commission.

2. The session was co-chaired by Commissioner James Singh from the Guyana Forestry Commission and Cristiana Pasca-Palmer, Head of Unit (Climate change, Environment, Natural resources, Water), Directorate General Development and Cooperation, European Commission (EC). A list of the delegates is presented in Annex 1…Click here for more information